Portable, dynamically linked packages on Linux

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By Kyle Lacy

Hey, want to see a magic trick? If you have Brioche installed, you can run this command:

Terminal window
brioche build -r curl -o ./output

…to get a copy of curl! Like you can then run ./output/bin/curl --version and it works!


Okay, not impressed? Well, like all of the best magicians, I will now explain why this is a good trick:

  1. The output directory contains every file we need to run curl
  2. The underlying curl binary is dynamically linked against glibc
  3. There are no containers up my sleeve1

Which means we can just put this directory anywhere on the file system and it’ll run… including in a container image. Presto, behold a Dockerfile!

FROM scratch
COPY output /output
ENTRYPOINT [ "/output/bin/curl" ]

Save it as Dockerfile (or Containerfile), build it with Podman / Docker / etc, and it still runs, even in the completely barren scratch environment:

Terminal window
$ podman build . -t magic-trick
$ podman run --rm magic-trick --version
curl 8.8.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/8.8.0 OpenSSL/3.3.1 zlib/1.2.13 zstd/1.5.5
Release-Date: 2024-05-22
Protocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher gophers http https imap imaps ipfs ipns mqtt pop3 pop3s rtsp smb smbs smtp smtps telnet tftp
Features: alt-svc AsynchDNS HSTS HTTPS-proxy IPv6 Largefile libz NTLM SSL threadsafe TLS-SRP UnixSockets zstd

Not just that, but the container we get out is actually pretty small2, since it’s distroless!

so? who cares??

Well, I care, for one! I’m a weirdo trying to build a package manager. And building a package manager means… putting packages on people’s computers, so you need to figure out where to put the package on the computer. Being able to put the package anywhere makes it easier!

Let’s look at those those 3 facts about this version of curl from before:

  1. The output directory contains every file we need to run curl
  2. The underlying curl binary is dynamically linked against glibc
  3. There are no containers here

Depending on how much you know about dynamic linking, it should seem impossible for all 3 of these things to be true. Let’s ignore the how for now and talk about why I made it work this way:

So hopefully you can see how the little party trick with curl came to be: to tick all the boxes for Brioche, I had to make that trick work. Every package in Brioche works this way, too. You can just put any package into a directory somewhere on your filesystem, and it’ll run entirely self-contained even for a completely bare-bones Linux setup

Let’s do it ourselves

So let’s make our own portable package that checks all the same boxes that we get from Brioche. Let’s start with a little Rust program to use as our candidate to package. First, run cargo new lil-demo, then cd lil-demo, then put this in src/main.rs:

fn main() {
let location = std::env::current_exe().unwrap();
println!("Hello from {}", location.display());

When a program calls std::env::current_exe(), it gets the path to itself (yes, using this particular function is important, we’ll come back to it later). If you run it with cargo run, you’ll see some output like this:

Hello from /your/path/to/lil-demo/target/debug/lil-demo

Wait, actually, I should mention… I’m in an Ubuntu Linux environment, so by default Cargo dynamically links my lil-demo program against glibc. This is true for most Linux distros, but if yours is different, you might not be able to follow along.

Finding all the dependencies

So we want to package our lil-demo up just like we had curl at the start. Remember, that means we need to put all of its dependencies into a self-contained directory. So, what does it depend on? Well, we can answer that using ldd:

Terminal window
$ ldd target/debug/lil-demo
linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007ffd6c14a000)
libgcc_s.so.1 => /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/lib/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x00007fa6b1856000)
libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007fa6b1620000)
/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007fa6b18d2000)

Each line is a dynamic library our lil-demo depends on, which shows the name of the library that the program asked for, then the location it actually loaded it from (the hex is the address it got loaded to but we don’t care about that):

As you might’ve guessed, the name of that last one in particular varies per platform, so I’m going to use the generic name of ld-linux.so when I talk about it instead.

Setting up the portable directory

So in total, we need the lil-demo program itself, the 2 dynamic libraries it links against (not counting the “vDSO” one Linux gives us for free), and ld-linux.so, a.k.a. the dynamic linker. How do we combine these ingredients to make something portable?

Let’s start with a little boilerplate first:

  1. Make a new directory: mkdir lil-demo-portable
  2. Copy lil-demo into it: cp target/debug/lil-demo lil-demo-portable/
  3. Copy the 2 dynamic libraries and ld-linux.so into it too. These will be whatever paths you got from ldd. In other words, something like cp /path/to/libgcc_s.so.1 /path/to/libc.so.6 /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 ./lil-demo-portable/
  4. Create a new shell script at lil-demo-portable/run.sh with the following contents:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
portable_dir=$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &> /dev/null && pwd)
exec "$portable_dir"/lil-demo

Then, mark the script as executable and run it:

Terminal window
$ chmod +x lil-demo-portable/run.sh
$ ./lil-demo-portable/run.sh
Hello from /your/path/to/lil-demo/lil-demo-portable/lil-demo

Okay, so the script is pretty straightforward: first, it gets the directory containing the shell script itself (meaning lil-demo-portable/). Then, it uses exec to run the original lil-demo binary that we copied in4. Unsurprisingly, we see the path of this copied binary!

Okay, we’ve finally set the stage to actually make lil-demo into a lil’ portable demo

Wrapping the binary

When lil-demo runs, we want it to use the copied libraries from within lil-demo-portable. The easiest way is to set the env var $LD_LIBRARY_PATH. When it’s set, ld-linux.so uses it as a place to find dynamic libraries, which is exactly what we want! Here’s an updated run.sh:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
portable_dir=$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &> /dev/null && pwd)
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$portable_dir"
exec "$portable_dir"/lil-demo

…basically, we just set $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the directory containing the shell script itself. If we run run.sh again, the result is the same. But now, all the dynamic libraries get read directly from the lil-demo-portable-dir! Neat!

(If you want to see for yourself that libraries are now getting resolved correctly, change the last line of run.sh to ldd "$portable_dir"/lil-demo)

Wrapping the dynamic linker, too

So we’re running lil-demo from our portable directory, and we’re even loading all the dynamic libraries we need from it to thanks to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH. That just leaves ld-linux.so. To recap, it’s not a dynamic library itself, but it’s the thing responsible for loading all the dynamic libraries.

When we run lil-demo (either directly or via run.sh), the Linux kernel doesn’t actually run lil-demo directly. Instead, it checks the header of the file— specifically, the PT_INTERP element from the program header of the ELF file— sees that it points to /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, and runs that instead.

In other words, this:

Terminal window
$ ./lil-demo-portable/lil-demo

…effectively becomes this:

Terminal window
$ /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 ./lil-demo-portable/lil-demo

But we don’t want it to become that! We want it to call the ld-linux.so that’s under lil-demo-portable!

…so instead, we can just call ld-linux.so directly ourselves. Here’s an updated run.sh:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
portable_dir=$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &> /dev/null && pwd)
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$portable_dir"
exec "$portable_dir"/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 "$portable_dir"/lil-demo

We just changed the last line to execute ld-linux.so with lil-demo as an argument. And, we can run it and see it works just like before, just using our copy of ld-linux.so from the portable directory instead!

Terminal window
$ ./lil-demo-portable/run.sh
Hello from /your/path/to/lil-demo/lil-demo-portable/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2

…wait, something feels… off somehow? Do you feel it? Let’s zoom and enhance:

Hello from /your/path/to/lil-demo/lil-demo-portable/lil-demo
Hello from /your/path/to/lil-demo/lil-demo-portable/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2

…the path changed from lil-demo to ld-linux.so???

Checkov’s path

Okay, remember a million words ago when I said std::env::current_exe() was going to be important later? Well later is now, and now we need to talk about it

How does lil-demo know where it is? it knows where it is because it knows where it isn’t it knows where it is because it reads the path of the symlink /proc/self/exe5, which is a special symlink that Linux sets up that always refers to the current executable.

For a demo that’s kinda trippy, try this:

Terminal window
$ readlink /proc/self/exe

When readlink reads the /proc/self/exe symlink, then by definition, it reads its own path, so it prints the path to readlink itself!

And of course, that’s also exactly how std::env::current_exe() is implemented

So /proc/self/exe is some Weird Magic that gets controlled by the Linux kernel. It basically points to whatever file was passed to the underlying execve() syscall. Our shell script is now executing ld-linux.so instead of lil-demo, so that’s what /proc/self/exe resolves to. And ld-linux.so then sets up and runs our program directly (i.e. no calls to execve()), so /proc/self/exe is “stuck” with ld-linux.so until the process ends or until it uses the execve() syscall itself

Wait but why do we care so much about /proc/self/exe?

You’d be surprised how many programs will break if they don’t get the right value for /proc/self/exe! The Rust compiler itself reads /proc/self/exe to resolve the path to the Rust standard library. Off the top of my head, I believe both Node.js and gcc both read /proc/self/exe for resolving resources. It’s just a pretty common thing that programs built for Linux end up depending on.

Fixing /proc/self/exe

Okay, so we know /proc/self/exe is important, and we know we’re now “breaking” it, in a sense. Let’s step through how we got here

At first, we started with just calling exec lil-demo. The flow basically worked like this:

Flow through the original lil-demo wrapper Your shell calls run.sh using execve, which in turn calls lil-demo using execve. Indirectly, the call to lil-demo uses PT_INTERP from the ELF header to find ld-linux.so, which then loads and executes lil-demo
your shell
ELF header
load and execute

The execution of lil-demo was implicitly calling ld-linux.so under the hood via the PT_INTERP field from the ELF header.

In our latest version, we changed it to explicitly call exec ld-linux.so, so we could use the dynamic linker from our portable bundle:

Flow through the current lil-demo wrapper Your shell calls run.sh using execve, which calls ld-linux.so using execve, which then loads and executes lil-demo
your shell
load and execute

As we discussed before, /proc/self/exe is determined by the last call to execve(). And we can see the path ld-linux.solil-demo does not use execve(). So if we want to un-break /proc/self/exe, we need to change our execve() calls! …somehow

Maybe we could somehow change ld-linux.so itself? Like, if we could make it so the path ld-linux.solil-demo uses execve(), that could fix our problem? But remember, any time anything uses execve() to call lil-demo, the Linux kernel itself will do the little ld-linux.solil-demo dance for us, so we can’t do that…

The actual fix we’re going for is to change the run.shld-linux.so path. Specifically, we’re going to explicitly call ld-linux.so without using execve():

Proposed lil-demo execution flow Your shell calls run using execve, which then loads and executes ld-linux.so, which in turn loads and executes lil-demo
your shell
load and execute
load and execute

So how do we execute ld-linux.so without using execve()? How can we execute something without using the special “execute something” syscall??

The keyword we’re looking for is called “userland exec”. It’s a technique for executing a program without involving the kernel. The core idea is not too complicated: Linux programs use the ELF file format, which contains a description the exact memory layout a program expects when it runs. So we just parse the program as an ELF file, read the memory layout, then directly jump to the program’s start address.

fasterthanlime has a blog post describing exactly how to do that (part of a series of posts on building an executable packer), so be sure to give that a read if you want the fine details!

But we’re gonna take the lazy path. and uhh… this is also not something you could do from a shell script6. So we’re gonna handle all this “userland exec” stuff in Rust. That’ll also let us cheat leverage the breadth of Rust’s package ecosystem by using the userland-execve crate, which will handle the raw assembly and pointer manipulation for us. We’re not gonna get our hands too dirty today.

Rewriting it in Rust

Let’s start first by porting our current shell script to Rust as-is. Let’s set up a second crate next to our lil-demo crate (so if you’re in the lil-demo directory still, run cd ..). Run cargo new run to create the crate, then put this in run/src/main.rs:

use std::os::unix::process::CommandExt as _;
fn main() {
let current_exe = std::env::current_exe().unwrap();
let portable_dir = current_exe.parent().unwrap();
let ld_linux_so = portable_dir.join("ld-linux-x86-64.so.2");
let lil_demo = portable_dir.join("lil-demo");
let error = std::process::Command::new(ld_linux_so)
.env("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", &portable_dir)
panic!("failed to exec: {error}");

A few notes on this version:

While in the run directory, use these commands to build it and put it in our lil-demo-portable directory (which is where run expects to be):

Terminal window
$ cargo build
$ cp target/debug/run ../lil-demo/lil-demo-portable/

Alright, now if we run our new run program, we should see the same output as when we ran run.sh:

Terminal window
$ ../lil-demo/lil-demo-portable/run
Hello from /your/path/to/lil-demo/lil-demo-portable/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2

Userland or bust

We’re ready to swap over to userland-execve. Add it to your dependencies by running cargo add userland-execve, then update the code to use it:

use std::ffi::CString;
fn main() {
let current_exe = std::env::current_exe().unwrap();
let portable_dir = current_exe.parent().unwrap();
let ld_linux_so = portable_dir.join("ld-linux-x86-64.so.2");
let lil_demo = portable_dir.join("lil-demo");
let ld_linux_so_cstr = CString::new(ld_linux_so.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap();
let lil_demo_cstr = CString::new(lil_demo.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap();
let ld_library_path_env = CString::new(format!(
&[&ld_linux_so_cstr, &lil_demo_cstr],

So pretty similar structurally to the last one, except it uses userland_execve::exec to run now— the first argument is the file to execute, the second are the args7, and the third are the env vars8

Rebuild the run executable again, copy it over, and watch the magic unfold:

Terminal window
$ cargo build
$ cp target/debug/run ../lil-demo/lil-demo-portable/
$ ../lil-demo/lil-demo-portable/run
Hello from /your/path/to/lil-demo/lil-demo-portable/run

It’s now a fully self-contained, portable Linux bundle! If you put this lil-demo-portable directory on another Linux machine (of the same architecture), calling run will run the same even if it doesn’t have glibc or any other libraries installed globally, or even if the dynamic linker is missing

Then, when run gets called, it’ll actually run lil-demo, which will think it’s own path is run

wait but isn’t this still wrong? don’t we want it to think it’s lil-demo? not run??

Ahh, well it’s time to come clean…

Revealing the secret

Okay, here was the little curl example from a billion miles up the page9:

Terminal window
$ ./output/bin/curl --version

There was a little sleight of hand earlier… ./output/bin/curl is not actually curl at all. It’s actually a little substitute program, equivalent to the run program from above! The real curl is somewhere under ./output/brioche-resources.d with some unholy hash as part of its filename.

The important thing is that, from an outside perspective, ./output/bin/curl quacks like curl, waddles like curl, and eats bread like curl.

But won’t this still break for programs that care about /proc/self/exe?

Nope! Let’s take Rust as an example. If you install Rust through Rustup, it’ll create a directory structure like this somewhere under ~/.rustup:

Rust uses /proc/self/exe to find its current folder, then grabs libraries from ../lib. So if we replace bin/rustc with a wrapper program like run, Rust will read /proc/self/exe and still think it’s at the path bin/rustc. So it’ll resolve ../lib to the right directory— no matter where the real Rust binary lives— because it still thinks it’s at bin/rustc.

It also works for programs that execute themselves, since our little wrapper program runs exactly like the original program. The only thing that could break is if a program tries to read data from itself by opening its own path as a file, but that would obviously be very silly10

Closing thoughts

So that’s a peak behind the scenes for how “packed executables” work in Brioche on Linux. Hopefully you’ve walked away with the impression that there isn’t too much dark magic going on (or maybe you’ve now seen horrors previously beyond your comprehension)

I think this is just a really cool technique, and I’d love to see it get adopted across other package managers or in other places where Linux executables get distributed! For Brioche, it means I can set up a fresh Brioche installation in a few seconds and start installing packages right away, without needing root permissions. It means that I can just run brioche build -o output ... to get a bundle, then just scp it to some remote Linux machine or send it to someone, even if Brioche isn’t installed on the other side. It means the same bundle can be used both inside and outside a Docker container. It means I can just use glibc or whatever dynamically linked libraries I want, and not have to fiddle around with toolchains to make a fully-static build11

You might also wonder: what does making a nice, portable package look like if you use Brioche directly? Well, let’s see what the config would look like to build a portable version of our lil-demo project:

import { cargoBuild } from "rust";
export default function () {
return cargoBuild({
source: Brioche.glob("src", "Cargo.*"),

…yep, that’s it! No need to set up any wrappers explicitly, it’s all handled automatically. All the build tools within Brioche are set up to add all these little wrapper binaries automatically out-of-the-box, so all your builds will work fully portably by default. Just like magic.


  1. Okay, technically, brioche build -r curl should basically always be a cache hit, but if it isn’t for some reason and it has to build from source, the build itself would run in a container. The output doesn’t use any containers though

  2. From commit 97cfcce, this example container came out to a size of 27 MB, which is pretty small (and glibc is 12 MB of that)! The official curl container image is still smaller at the time of writing (21 MB uncompressed) and that also includes both CA certificates and Busybox, but the big difference is that it uses musl instead of glibc. So getting a glibc-based curl container down to 27 MB is something I’m still proud of overall! …but in the real world, you’d at least want to add CA certs to this image

  3. There is build-time sandboxing, but once a package gets built, the result doesn’t itself run in a sandbox. But, it’d be possible to add a function in Brioche that “sandbox-ifies” another package, e.g. by using Bubblewrap. This would make sandboxing a composable piece, rather than being a core part of Brioche’s design

  4. Running exec ./some-program is almost the same as directly running ./some-program. The former replaces the current process with the new program to execute by directly using the execve() syscall, where the latter runs it as a subprocess. If you haven’t used exec before, your homework assignment is to understand why it’s the right tool for our lil-demo wrapper

  5. Bonus points if you noticed that /proc/self/exec is an absolute path, the exact thing we’re trying to get rid of! Well, Linux is very Unix-y, meaning “everything is a file”, where “everything” includes several core APIs. These are implemented via special virtual filesystems, which get mounted at /proc, /sys, and /dev. Because they’re so critical, you really can’t avoid them for some tasks… but that also means even extremely bare-bones environments have them mounted (e.g. Docker’s scratch container)

  6. Super bonus points to the first person to write a userland exec implementation in pure POSIX shell

  7. You may have noticed that we originally only passed one arg, but passed two when using userland exec. This is because the userland-execve crate expects you to pass argv0 explicitly, whereas std::process::Comamnd passes it implicitly by default.

  8. Note that the example code will clear every env var except for $LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If you want to inherit the rest of the env vars like std::process::Command does, you’ll need to manually iterate over std::env::vars_os() and pass each one explicitly.

  9. 1,609,344,000,000 km

  10. Yep… horrifyingly, I have seen at least one package that directly reads an executable and looks for a specific byte pattern. I actually can’t remember which package it was… but luckily it was only part of a test suite if I remember right

  11. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good static build! It’s just that setting up the build tooling and getting the right libraries for it can be a pain