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Brioche is distributed as a portable executable that can be dropped in and run easily. You don’t need root permissions to install Brioche.

Automatic installation

Linux (x86-64)

Terminal window
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSfL '' | bash

This script will install Brioche under ~/.local/bin, which is commonly included by default in the $PATH for your shell.

Editor support

Visual Studio Code

You can install the “Brioche” extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace (the extension ID is brioche-dev.brioche-vscode)

The extension requires that the brioche CLI tool is available on your $PATH, so make sure you install Brioche first!

Warning: Brioche’s LSP integration is still very experimental! You will see some errors in day-to-day use. Especially the following:

  • Adding dependencies will show up with an error message until the file is saved. Sometimes, you may need to reload the extension by running “Brioche LSP: Restart LSP Server” from the Command Palette.
  • Every time you open a Brioche file for the first time, you will see an error notification with the message “Request textDocument/diagnostic failed”. This error can be safely dismissed, and the extension should continue to work.
  • The LSP will sometimes crash without automatically restarting, leading to lots of error notifications. Re-opening VS Code or running “Brioche LSP: Restart LSP Server” will often fix this.



Brioche uses the following paths on Linux:

  • ~/.local/bin/brioche: The main Brioche CLI tool
  • ~/.local/share/brioche/installed: All of the packages installed with brioche install
  • ~/.local/share/brioche: The full cache of all build artifacts and outputs
  • ~/.config/brioche: Custom Brioche configuration

Here’s a script to uninstall all of them manually:

Terminal window
chmod -R +w ~/.local/share/brioche && rm -rf ~/.local/share/brioche
rm ~/.local/bin/brioche
rm -r ~/.config/brioche