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Process Dependencies

When you create a process recipe, you can pass in an array of recipes in the dependencies option (or call the .dependencies() method to create a new recipe with more dependencies). When baked, the process will use these dependencies to append to $PATH or other environment variables (the explicit env vars on the process take precedent over the env vars set by dependencies).

Dependency structure

Any directory recipe can be used as a dependency, but it will only do something useful if it follows a specific scheme.

Explicit env vars

A dependency recipe can set environment variables in its parent by creating a brioche-env.d directory:

  • brioche-env.d should contain an inner env directory
  • Each directory in env should be named after an environment variable to set
  • Each env var directory should contain symlinks. The paths referenced by the symlinks will be expanded to absolute paths, and all the symlinks will be concatenated together with : (the name of the symlink is unused).

Here’s an example structure to set some env vars:

├── brioche-env.d
│ └── env
│ │ ├── lib -> ../../../lib
│ │ └── usr_lib -> ../../../usr/lib
│ └── lib_pkgconfig -> ../../../lib/pkgconfig
├── lib
│ ├── pkgconfig
│ │ └── ...
│ └── ...
└── usr
└── lib
└── ...

If this artifact is used as a dependency for a process, then the process would start with $LIBRARY_PATH set to /absolute/path/to/lib:/absolute/path/to/usr/lib and $PKG_CONFIG_PATH would be set to /absolute/path/to/lib/pkgconfig.

You can use the std.setEnv() function to more easily build this directory structure:

return std.setEnv(recipe, {
LIBRARY_PATH: [{ path: "lib" }, { path: "usr/lib" }],
PKG_CONFIG_PATH: { path: "lib/pkgconfig" },

If multiple dependencies set the same env vars are used (or two dependencies merged together with std.merge()), then the env vars will be set from all of the dependencies.

Implicit $PATH

If a dependency includes a bin/ directory, then it will be implicitly added to $PATH automatically. The dependency can add additional directories to $PATH explicitly as well (e.g. using std.setEnv), and the values will be concatenated together with :.